Gone with the Wind - Book Review

If there’s one thing about Gone with the Wind that has left an indelible impression on my mind, it is the character of Scarlett O’Hara. Beautiful, fearless, ruthless, practical and materialistic in a world that is bleeding for the Cause, she epitomizes the anti-hero in the eyes of the Confederate society. Her character is so complex, layered with unyielding determination and an utter lack of morals, shouldering responsibility for those who have submitted to her care, sprinkled with self-confidence and a penchant for theatrics, cemented by an irrational, passionate, blind love for the husband of another – which eventually proves to be her undoing in a way. Gone with the Wind is the story of courage and determination, love and jealousy, persistence and hard-work, practicality and obstinacy, the selfish Scarlett O’Hara and the altruistic Melanie Hamilton, the spirited, cheeky Rhett Butler and the listless, fatalistic Ashley Wilkes. As with all the great novels, what a reader will re...