Underworld: Awakening - Review

“If you really want to watch a Vampire movie, you should watch the Underworld series,” remarked my boyfriend after I forced him to sit through the latest installment from the Twilight saga. And thus, I got introduced to the dark world of Vampires and Lycans and their unending, bloody war. Several differences between the Twilight series and the Underworld series struck me. Twilight is essentially a love story, enveloped by the overlapping worlds of Vampires and Werewolves, while Underworld is primarily a Vampire-Lycan saga, with several motivations driving the main characters, love being just one of them. Of the 90 or so minutes of Underworld: Awakening, about 45 minutes is pure, unadulterated, adrenalin-pumping action. Selene (Kate Bekinsale) is the undisputed hero of not only the movie, but the entire series. I cannot think of too many successful Hollywood action movies with a female lead. It won’t be exaggeration to say that she owns the movie. Michael Corvin, ostensibly the male lea...